Aug 23, 2021 - 12:01 PM
We recommend SealGreen SCR1600 Coating remover. This product is designed to remove coatings and sealers of washable concrete surfaces. We recommend doing a test before applying the product to the entire surface.
The process is as follows:
1. Apply the SealGreen SCR1600 Coating Remover in a small area that it is not very visible to test. Use a small paint brush and apply generously.
2. Let sit for at least 12 hours so that cleaner melts all the sap thru to the surface of the concrete. The paver will not be damaged.
3. DO NOT apply the remover to the sand around the paver because it will remove the harden polymeric sand.
4. Mix the SealGreen Cleaner Degreaser that comes with the remover according to the bottle instructions.
5. Spray generously the Remover and scrub slightly and rinse with a garden hose thoroughly.
6. Allow to dry. All the sap should be gone.
We recommend sealing the pavers with SealGreen Brick and Stone Sealer to make the removal of sap easier in the future, and protect the pavers. The sealer will not change the color or surface of the pavers.
Application Videos:
SealGreen SCR1600 Coating Remover
SealGreen Oil Cleaner Degreaser
SealGreen Brick and Stone Sealer
Source: SealGreen Website
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