Sep 14, 2021 - 09:00 AM
1. 1. The common reason that you have efflorescence is that when the stones were stain and seal, they encapsulated humidity from the cleaning required before the stain and seal process.
2. 2. To apply antiskid to stones they must be coated with some type of surface sealer with antiskid.
3. 3. Surface sealers tend to encapsulate humidity and trap the efflorescence between the surface and the sealer creating white stains.
4. 4. We recommend buying 1-pint of SealGreen Efflorescence Remover to test if it will remove the white stains.
5. 5. If it does not remove the whiter stains, you will have to remove the sealer with SealGreen SCR1600 Coating Remover and then use the efflorescence remover.
6. 6. Once this process is accomplished you need to let the stones dry for 4-5 days before you apply a sealer with antiskid. We recommend SealGreen Poly-StepGuard with Antiskid.
7. 7. The other alternative is to remove the sealer and seal the stones with SealGreen Brick and Stone sealer with Salt Defense Technology. This will leave the stones with their natural look and surface and none-slipper.
8. 8. Which ever direction you may follow give us a call at 800-997-3873 to go over your project.
Videos to watch:
Efflorescence Remover:
SCR 1600 Coating Remover:
Poly-StepGuard with Antiskid:
Brick and Stone Sealer:
Source: SealGreen Website
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