Mar 08, 2022 - 10:33 AM
Based on your question you have two distinct types of stains. We will address each question separately.
1. Brake Fluid Stains: Break fluid is a manufactured product that contains some oils and other chemicals, and it is designed to be use under heavy pressure to activate the breaks. It is in the class of hydraulic fluids. To clean the stain, we recommend a two-step process:
a. Wash the stain with SealGreen Oil Cleaner Degreaser using hot water and a pressure washer to rinse. Read the application instructions included with the product.
b. Allow to dry for 24 hours.
c. Apply SealGreen Gray-Out Waterless Oil Cleaner to the dry stain. Because the brake fluid is a mix of oils and other chemicals it will require several applications to clean. How long will it take to completely clean the stain? It may be from weeks to months. The Gray-Out is a gray color powder it will cover the stain and during the cleaning process will make the concrete look clean.
2. Radiator Flush: When the radiator is flushed sometimes it will create a rust stain on the concrete. If this is the case you can use SealGreen Rust Remover. If the stain is not rust (brow/orange color), You may try cleaning it with the SealGreen Oil Cleaner Degreaser according to instructions included with the product. Radiator fluid is not an oil base product.
a. Mix the SealGreen Rust Remover according to the instruction with the product and apply to the stain
b. Rinse using a pressure washer
c. If stain remains repeat the process
All the SealGreen Products are safe for pets, landscape, and the environment. Please use the normal safety precautions when working with any chemical use safety glasses and gloves and adequate clothing material.
Source: SealGreen Website
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