Aug 30, 2022 - 02:26 PM
It is never too late to seal concrete no matter what age. Concrete that has not been seal will suffer the most when exposed to salts and deicers, especially the approaches which are the closest section of concrete next to the street. The city’s main purpose is to use what ever deicer or snow melter that will help keep the street safe. Having said that here are my recommendations to your situation.
1. To clean the mold or mildew use our SealGreen Mold and Mildew Remover. You should use this cleaner for the entire driveway it makes cleaning easier and leaves your concrete ready for a sealer application.
2. The type of pressure washer does not make a significant difference when you use a cleaner before rinsing. The cleaner releases the dirt and mold and the pressure washer rinse.
3. We recommend that you should seal the entire driveway and sidewalks. You should seal any concrete surface where you will be using deicers or snow melt for safe passage.
4. To seal your concrete surfaces, we recommend SealGreen Concrete Sealer with Salt Defense Technology for the highest protection.
5. Please email to your name, email address, Telephone, and your complete address where we can send you a sample of the SealGreen Concrete Sealer.
How wash and seal your concrete driveway
How to wash and seal your concrete driveway
Source: SealGreen Website
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