Jan 27, 2023 - 08:19 AM
- SealGreen W10 finishing gloss coat is designed to make your concrete floor look glossy. In a very simple easy way to do it. If your floor has any imperfections, high gloss coatings will show imperfections due to the reflection of the light. If your floor has many imperfection sealing with a matte finish sealer may help reduce the un even shine.
- As you can see in the picture the surface of the concrete is not finished correctly (it is wavy and uneven). It is not smooth like the rest of the floor. You can see and feel with your hands that it is not even. When you apply a gloss coat it seals the surface correctly, but the light reflection is different from the rest of the floor because of the wavy finish. As you walk around the area of concern you will see the gloss is correct depending on what side you look at the area. Unfortunately looking at the floor from the stairway location the gloss reflection looks dull.
- The uneven surface problem cannot be identified until the floor gloss sealer is applied.
- Here are some potential solutions to your floor:
- Applying more glossy sealer will not fix the floor because is a reflection problem due to the uneven concrete finish.
- You may want to seal the floor with a matte finish sealer to reduce the effect of the light reflection on the affected areas.
- The only solution is to grind the surface to make it even like the rest of the floor. You cannot just grind the uneven area. You must grind the entire floor to make the surface of the concrete look all the same otherwise the color application will be absorbed differently in the grinned areas and be obvious. If you grind the floor, you will then need to redo the color and sealing process also.
- Another option is to finish the floor with some type of flooring like carpet, or tile flooring, or wood flooring. Or use an area rug or put furniture over the area that is obvious. Since the floor has been already sealed it will protect whatever flooring you install over it.
- Or finally just call it the character of the floor and leave it alone.
Source: SealGreen website
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