Jun 23, 2023 - 10:51 AM
What do you see if the result of humidity transferring from under the slab to the top of the stamped concrete. The white is efflorescence which is salts carried thru the concrete as it expels humidity. When the weather heats up the driveway it makes heavy humidity under the slab areas leach. Why is this happening? - Where the stain is located is where the driveway, the street curve and the edge of the lawn meet. The water that falls on the lawn runs to that lower corner, and it is retain by the curve which is about 2 feet deep creating a dam holding the water back and saturating the bottom of the stamped concrete slab. Here are some potential solutions: 1. Try to wash the white stains with – This may clean the current stains but most likely will return. 2. Clean stains and then apply color and seal – Again this is cover up and the stains will most likely return. 3. Make a couple of concrete cuts about ¼ inch wide and about 2 inches apart to allow the curve to drain retaining the curve integrity. This will reduce the water that is accumulating in that corner. And clean, stain with color and seal the affected driveway. If you drive around your neighborhood you will have this same problem usually identified by dirty curves, or rust stains, or the driveway is degrading on the corner. We can assist with any of this three remedies.
Products recommended:
1. SealGreen Efflorescence Remover
2. SeaLgreen Color stains
3. SealGreen E15 Stamped Concrete Sealer
Products recommended:
1. SealGreen Efflorescence Remover
2. SeaLgreen Color stains
3. SealGreen E15 Stamped Concrete Sealer
Source: SealGreen website
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