Nov 24, 2023 - 10:00 AM
I would like to seal 2,200 sq ft of concrete and 900sq ft of stones.
All SealGreen products are shipped in concentrate form. Please follow the instructions on the back of the bottle for mixing with the correct amount of water before application.
For the 2,200 sq ft concrete surface we recommend 1 gallon of SealGreen Kennel Sealer Concentrate with Salt Defense Technology. Kennel Concrete Concentrate Sealer - Pet Plant and Person Safe - Prevents Concrete Surfaces from Absorbing Liquids - Protects Against Animal and Organic Stains - SealGreen
1. Even if the concrete is new it requires cleaning to remove the latency powder created from the curing process. If it’s been in use cleaning is required. Use our SealGreen Kennel Cleaner for the best results. Kennel Cleaner Concentrate - Pet Plant and Person Safe - SealGreen
2. Once wash let it dry for a day. It all depends on where you are and the weather.
3. Once it is naturally dry, you may apply the SealGreen Kennel Sealer.
4. Allow at least 8 hours before any dog or water on the concrete.
For the 900 sf ft of Stones we recommend 2 Quarts of SealGreen Brick and Natural Stones concentrate sealer Brick and Stone Concentrate Sealer - Salt Defense Technology - Protects Brick Stone Paver and Masonry Surfaces against Salt and Stains - SealGreen
1. The application process is the same as the concrete sealer and cleaner.
2. For stones allow at least 12 hours before any dog or water on the concrete.
I have dogs so urine penetration is an issue.
All SealGreen products recommended in this response are designed to deal with animal urine and reduce or eliminate penetration into the concrete or stones.
What products would you recommend and in what quantity?
1. SealGreen Kennel Sealer Concentrate - 1 gallon covers 2,000 sf ft. once is mixed with water.
2. SealGreen Kennel Cleaner Concentrate – 1 gallon and 2 quarts covers 3,000 sf ft. once is mixed with water. (Quantity includes concrete and stones).
3. SealGreen Brick and Natural Stone Concentrate – 2 quarts covers 1,000 sf ft. once is mixed with water.
I am treating this concrete before covering it with artificial turf + drainage tiles.
I suggest allowing extra time to cure after sealer application to prevent humidity encapsulation before you cover the floor with artificial turf. Drainage tyles are not an issue.Source: SealGreen Website
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