Nov 28, 2023 - 02:14 PM
There are two types of stains that are a result from applying Gray-Out Waterless Oil Cleaner.
1. Gray-Out is a powder designed to stick to the concrete during the cleaning process. The stains in the picture look to me like some Gray-Out is still cleaning the concrete. The Gray-Out powder will release completely when it has completed the cleaning process, and the concrete will look the same all over. This process could take up to a month or more. See number 2.
2. When you spot clean concrete thoroughly it will clean that area and leave it looking super clean. When you compare the super clean part with the non-clean part there is an obvious difference. In most cases people clean their driveways with just a pressure washer. A pressure washer cleans the surface of the concrete but does not get into the pores to clean like Gray-Out. You are also more likely to damage the concrete with a pressure washer if you try to clean like Gray-Out does.
Source: SealGreen Website
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