Jan 01, 2024 - 03:43 PM
It is recommended that you wait at least 7 days from the initial pore. Why?
1. Concrete requires to cure for 30 days. When concrete cures it slowly hardens from the surface into the center. If you cut into the concrete within one day of pouring you will find that the center may still be in the initial curing stages which means it still has substantial amounts of humidity.
2. After 30 days the concrete should be fully cured inside or outside, and the surface should look light gray concrete color.
3. When concrete is curing even after 7 days it may not be light concrete gray color at the surface level. Usually cured concrete is going to be light gray color with no dark areas.
4. If is not a light concrete grey color, it may be difficult to decide if you have applied the right amount of color because the concrete is still changing color.
5. And yes, you can apply a color stain 7 days after pouring, just be aware that the concrete is still exhaling some humidity of the floor.
6. The best time is to wait at least 15 days if you are applying SealGreen Color stains and sealing with SealGreen E10 Epoxy Vapor Barrier Sealer on an inside floor.
Source: SealGreen Website
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